Sometimes a name is more than just a set of letters. This is an impeccable reputation, a guarantee of quality, synonymous with popularity and fame. At least that’s the way things are in the world of bags. Every fashionista craves a branded handbag like the Hermès Kelly 32. It’s not easy, but the uniqueness of these designer pieces makes it all worth it.
A bag is an accessory. The main thing for such items is to be stylish. It’s hard to imagine something more stylish than a branded bag. Designers very carefully select shapes, sizes, colors, textures. Every detail is the result of long, painstaking work. Together they work perfectly to create a flawless look.
The highest quality is the second reason why branded bags are so valued. They use only the best materials – leather, suede, textiles, natural fur, valuable metal. Each item is made with great care, using secret technologies, often using manual labor. The bags are incredibly durable – and very expensive. But even a high price, such as the Birkin 30 Ostrich Violine, can be turned into an advantage. Not everyone can afford such a thing, and affording it opens the way to the world of the fashion elite.
The huge cost of branded bags has given rise to an unusual way to use them. Bags are not worn – people invest in them. Over time, models such as the Birkin 30 HSS Ostrich only become more expensive, and their price increases even faster than gold! A small collection is a great way to make money. It is enough to sell a few things from it – and a luxurious life is already here!
It is clear that branded bags are unique in many ways; they often use their own models. But even among them there are familiar varieties:
- Tablet. A small round bag, usually equipped with a long strap.
- Tout. Quite a large roomy model with many pockets.
- Hobo. A bag of an unusual shape, extended towards the handle. Rounding lines form a single composition.
- Dumpling. An unexpected find of the season, a small tote bag with interesting folds. An alternative name is cloud.
- Pillow. A plump bag that looks like a sleeping pillow.
- Bucket. Roomy and very fashionable model with a hard bottom.
- Bag. The slightly shapeless, very youthful style of the bag has not gone out of fashion for years.
- Envelope. A classic weekend look.
- Suitcase. A recent find is a bag in the shape of a small suitcase. An excellent addition to your usual looks.
- Shopper. Roomy everyday style. Suitable for more than just shopping.
- Clutch. A tiny evening bag is an example of style.
- Mini bag. More of a design feature than a shape: an ordinary bag, only small. It looks very unusual.
- Belt. A rare model in the world of branded items, quite niche.