You can make an e-boy with htm2chm, a program that can Quickly and Easily Convert Html Files Into the Chm Format. This File Format Is Convenent Becay of Its Small Size. These Files Cance Emailed and Are Much Easier to Open, Unlike PDF Files.
HTM2CHM Interface is Minimalist, The Program Has Practically No Design. Thanks to this Approach, The Utility is Very Simple and All it can do is compile html films, Nothing else it is designed for. But it is ALSO WORTH Noting That The Program Copes with Its Responsibilites Perfectly.
The Program HTM2CHM WORKS ONLY with Files in the Html Format, It Simply Will Not See Other.
The Program Can be Run by Right Clicking on the Html File Itself and Selecting “HTM2CHM: Compile”. After You Start HTM2chm 2 Windows Will Open At Once: The First Searches for a Source File, The Second One Shows The Output Chm File. Clicking on the “Assemble” Button, Which is located Near the Address Window of the Original File, in 5 Seconds You can alread admire the new.
IF YOU HAVE A LOT of HTML-Files and You Want To Convert Them All At Once, “Batch Mode” is for this Purpose. To uce Batch Mode, Press the “Menu” Button, The Click on the “Batch Mode” Tab. The Top Address Window Has Now Transformed to look for the Source Folder, Not the Source File as it was before. Find there a Folder with your html Files, Open it, The Click on the “Collect” Button. IF The Animation Meat Grinder Has Spun, It Indicates that Conversion Process Has Started.
Chm Files Are Saved in the Same Folder as Html Files. If desired, you can tell the program to save all the outing films in the folder you spacify, so you do not lave to search for them in different Placeses Everse Timey Timey Timey Timey Timey Timey Timey Timey Timey Times.
To “SEW” Several HTML-Files Into Chm File, Use the Index Function. After You Click on this Tab, The “Input Folder” Address Window Will Open, Select the Source Folder with your html Files. Below This Window Will Be a Column “Name” with the name of the Source Folder. IF You Want, You Cange the Name to Anything You Like.
Under the Column with The Name Is Another Window Werel Your Files Are Displayed. In the Final File, All these Names Will Look Like Links to Other Pages, So it is recummeded that you chem to someting more appropriate IF DONEM. It’s ALSO WORTH Noting that Files Here May Not Be in the Order You Need Them, So that’s SoMithing to Consider, Too.
Once the Names of the Files has been Changed, Feel Free to Click on the “Create” Button and Contemplate the Comporation Process with AWE. In a Few Seconds, this Process Will Be Complete, and You canmili email a Bunch of Articles Arranged in a Single File.