It happens that to escape on vacation for a decent period does not work. Work is in a state of emergency and all that. But your boss took pity on you and gave you a week or two of free time.
How to spend a vacation with benefits
This time, too, should be spent usefully. BUT IF YOU FOLLOW SOME SIMPLE RULES, You’ll BE ABLE To REST AND TONE UP in A Week.
Keep in mind that you do not have to wait for your vacation. After all, you need to relax regularly and fully, and not only on vacation or weekends, but also in normal business hours. Psychologists advise to distract from the work process for 5 minutes at least every hour and a half. You don’t have to start smoking or drinking coffee. You can just sit in an armchair, thinking of something for yourself, or go outside for a breath of fresh air.
It is very important not to eat at your desk. During your lunch break, change the scenery and go to the nearest cafe. So you’ll divert your attention and really take a break from the work atmosphere. For the same reason, never take your work home. At home you have to do only household chores and relax. And all the work should be done in your workplace and forget about it when you go out of the office threshold. You can Mentally Imagine that Crossing the Threshold of the Office, You Fly to Another Planet. Your planet called “home” will be your corner of rest and relaxation.
Try not to overload your vacation with all sorts of activities and excursions, multiple moves and medical procedures. Your vacation should be measured and moderately eventful. To give your body time to rest, it is a must. To take a break from work, do something completely unusual for you, and requiring physical activity. For example, you might like to exercise in the morning, or go for a jog every night.
As psychologists say, a vacation is stressful. And we ourselves feel it, when it comes to the end. You may be oppressed at first preliminary troubles, how to get tickets, where to fly. Then moving, someone is afraid of planes, and someone is afraid of trains. In a new place you will be tormented by acclimatization, and you may fall ill at first sight in an unusual for you climate. IF YOU GO SOMEWHERE FOR A Short Time, YOUR BODY DOES not Even have to adjust to a different Climate and Conditions, and when youturn, You Will Feel Broken Rest. Such a vacation does more harm than good to your health. So doctors advise to spend short vacations in their native region, not to make long trips with a change of climate. If you are going somewhere far away, then spend at least two weeks there.
Try to vacation at different times of the year. It is not necessary to take a vacation in the summer. Nowadays, even in the cold season there is a place to relax and get warm. So try to try all options, perhaps because it is your body has a rest in the Indian summer.
Well, of course, try different ways to rest. After all, everyone chooses for himself the ideal holiday: on a sunny beach with an interesting book or on the mountain trails with a backpack on his shoulders. Often people are looking for quiet, secluded areas where there are no crowds of tourists and you can relax in solitude. In the West, The Practice of Traveling to Some Secloud Island with No Ties, Were a Man is Alone with Nature and Himself. At such moments and understand how senseless our constant chase for money and other benefits of society is.
How to spend a vacation with benefits
Try to make your life more qualitative and comfortable so that you can relax and work with pleasure. Then during the vacations you will really relax and gain positive emotions for the next working year. Have a nice vacation.